**. ISAPI Sample Apps: IS2WCGI - Microsoft Internet Explorer
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IS2WCGI - Internet Serwer to Windows CG11.2 Conversion Tool
This sample implements a useful tool if you have Windows CGI applications. The spec is at website.ora.com.
The codę for IS2WCGI.DII illustrates howto gather inbound data in an ISAPI DII, howto build a profile compliant with the Windows CGI specification, and howto send the data back afterthe Windows CGI process completes.
If you have built this sample, you can use this form to test it. IS2WCGI.EXE is a sample Windows CGI application that simply replies with the profile it was given. IS2WCGI. DII is the server extension that translates web data to and from IS2WCGI.EXE.
You can also use IS2WCGI. DII with other Windows CGI applications you may have. Simply rename the IS2WCGI DII to match your application, and write an HTML page that calls the DII for the submit button. For example, if you have an app named MyApp.Exe, rename IS2WCGI. DII to MyApp.DII in the same directory as MyApp.Exe. Modify the HTML page that accesses MyApp.Exe so it submits a reguest to MyApp.DII. The DII will load your application and translate the output for you.
The Sample Form: Text Field: I
Text Field with Defaults: |Default Checkboxes: f” P
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