f10 5

f10 5

Ą* Untitled - Array Demo

File Help

Element 0 contains the value 0. Element 1 contains the value 0. Element 2 contains the value 0. Element 3 contains the value 15. Element 4 contains the value 0. Element 5 contains the value 25. Element 6 contains the value 0. Element 7 contains the value 0. Element 8 contains the value 0. Element 9 contains the value 0. Element 10 contains the value 0. Element 11 contains the value 0. Element 12 contains the value 0. Element 13 contains the value 0. Element 14 contains the value 0. Element 15 contains the value 0. Element 16 contains the value 0. Element 17 contains the value 0. Element 18 contains the value 0. Element 19 contains the value 0. Element 20 contains the value 45


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