SpecIficaUons of vehicles |
Parts number | |
CC |
T/mission | |
Manuał |
B69N-02-000 | |
Automatic |
B69P-02-000 |
Speclflcatlons of vehlcles |
Parts number | |
T/mission |
CC | |
Manuał |
1600cc |
F5C3-03-000 |
2000CC |
G5LM03 000 | |
Automatic |
1600CC |
FW13-19-090C |
2000cc |
FU2D-19 090D |
Speclfications of vehictes |
Parta number | |
Sunroot |
CC | |
— |
1600cc |
CA06-07-000 |
2000cc |
CA23-07-000 | |
X |
1600CC |
CA07-07 000 |
2000CC |
CA0907-000 |
Complete assemblies are avalabte and manułactured in accordance with current productton spccificahons only.