IU III III V He wasn't going to tak o "No" lor an answer—not when he could reud minds where the answer was always "Yes."...
Anita Alone on a spaceship with live
men —and she knew what she was therc for....
Joe He met the aliens head on, and di$cov-
erod what they werereally like — too lato....
Edna Her husband was dead — but live-
licr than hc*d ever been!
Ili(1 I y U ■ ClShclivcdinhcartbreak -■....■..■■-bul nevcr knew it....
...and many others
wtto peopte Judith Merril'* haunting tales ot today and tomorrow - aro m the pages ot this fascmutmg cotlection. _________________
PYR AM ID SCIENCE FICTtON welcomei JOHN BRUNNER to IU HM willi a tense norel ot Ihe lutioo. THE DREAM-ING EARTM (F 829. 40*)
out ot bounus Jumui Merril
Welrd and wonderiul— seven Stones of outer space and inner atrangeness
wllh in introauction by
“...Jtortet ranga from good to near porfect." —H. H. Hoim83, Horald Tnbuna

Theodore Sturgeon
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