Science Fiction ot distinction from Berkley/Putnam
A unique series of original science fiction stories—indeed. a series of series. Each story—and each book—is complete in itself. yet all the books aro related. In the great SF tradition of story cyclos ("The Peoplo" stories of Zenna Hondę-son, "The Martian Chronicles" of Ray Bradbury. and the "Futurę History" of Robort A. Heinlein are some examples). seven distinguished authors set out to create worlds to return to.
Annę McCaffrey (author of the celebrated "Wey. World" stories) now Imagines a wild and porilous colony planet where Kllla-shandra the Crystal Singer plios hor skill. Edgar Pangborn re-turns to the post-holocaust cartli of his famcjs novol Dovy for a series of tales. Poui Andcrson’s world of "Orbit Unlimited," Philip Jose Farmer's "Stations of the Nightmare," Chad Oliver’s “Caravans." and series by Gene Wolfe and Thomas N. Scortia round out each book.