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Phlladelphia in 1953
At mott scioncc-fictionlttt Itnow, there't on annual convontion for fantasy and science-fiction fant all over tho wcrld; In 1953. it will be held at tho Ccllo/uo Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., Septomber 5th, 6tlt, and 7th. Tho Philadolphia Scicnco Fiction Society will administer tho convention this yftar, but it ii boing t]>ontorod by tcionce-ficłion clubt, and onłhutiattt ovcrywhcre.
Memborthip in tho Convention Society cotts one dollar, and tho membersJiip card it tho boarer's ticlet of admission to the throc-day thindig. Mombert roceive fuli ar.d frcquont roportt of arrongomcntt to dato, up to tho timo of tho convention ittolf, including vital Information on acccmodotiont in Phifadolphia during that period. Tho perton to write to it Tom Claroton, 3731 Spruco St., Philadolphia 4, Penna.
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