IJJSoflQuad Panorama 1.11
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D Welcome to SGML on the Web
d Administratńe Matters d What Is This *A11 About?
O • SGML Available on the Web Today D _l_When to Put Fuli SGML onto the Web ] O Putting SGML Online O • SGML Resources on the Web ° Feedback
SGML on the Web
A Persottal Notę front those of ns working on these pages: What with travel to conferences and working on getting SofiQuad Panorama out the door, the links from this page have languishedfor a couple ofweeks. Ple as e excuse our emb arras sing delay infbdngthis. This versionfixes references to the Primer, the glossary and to the demo/tutorialfiles. Some pages may contain parsing errors. Not to worry. Simply click on "Continue" to view the SGML pages. Later we may try to write an editorial on the subject of ho w impressive it is that daily newspapers can appear every day, while pages on the Web often go unattendedfor weeks and months. (On the other hand, maybe that sentence says it all. Save us the trouble of writing the editorial.)
This page acts as a Home Page for SGML on the Web, including:
•pointers to SGMLresources and events.
•information ab out new or changed sites offeringSGML documents on the World Wide Web, updated weekly.
•notes on when and how to put fuli SGML online •a glossary of vetv basie SGML terms.
•connections to tutorials and demos, and
•To Submit an Entry to SGML on the Web, send mail to with New SGML on the Web in the Subject linę, and we‘ll mail you a short form to complete.
•.Ahout the NCSA/SoftOuad SGML on the Web Page
•To Submit Reader Comments. We appreciate any comments aboutthe usefulness of these listings - ple as e sendthemto These comments may be published as part of the SGML on the Web Page.
You may be asking yourself: "This SGML stnffseems very important and very nsefhl. Why haven ’t I heard aboui it before?” That‘s a fair ąuestion.
Truth be told, SGML is a well-guarded secret; it is an official International Standard (ISO/IEC 8879:1986) for the electronic interchange of information that has be en adoptedby the EuropeanCommunity, the govemments ofthe US andCanada, the aerospace, automotive, sernic onductor, defense and other industries. But somehow, de spite all this acceptance, it remains one ofthe quietestrevolutions around. Granted, itusedto have areputation as being