EX.l. Determination of:
Grain Size Distribution and Stacking Faults Distribution
STĘPI: Calculation of the powder model
Eveiy single Powder Diffraction Pattem is ealeulated as an average of:
• 150 pattems corresponding to atomie models of grains sized with lA resolution, namely: 0,1,2,... 149,150A, taken with log-norm Distribution Funetion, one- or mułtimodal
• Eveiy of those 150 pattems has stacking faults structure averaged over 1000 randomły chosen połytype seąuences, taken with some probability of a stacking fault.
This is equivalentto calculation of 150x1000=150000 atomie models then averaging of the corresponding diffraction pattems.
Such a system constitutes the model of powder.
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