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U'$. RIFLE CAL. 30. Ml (Garand)
DfeismMy—Pili rear of trtgger guard (42) back and down from stock (161. Remoirę trigger housing assembly (38) Intact from bottom of stock. Barral and receiver assembly can now be separated from top of slock. inrert /«sjver (l) and djsengagefol-loww rod (35) from follower arm (34); remova fol' lower md and operating rod spring (36) to rearward. Punch follower arm pin (371 out of receiuer and lift bullet guide (30h foifower arm (34) and operating rod catch (31) out from bottom of recetar; slide and totlower (29) may tfiarr be lifted out bottom of race wer. Puli operating rod (8) to rear, puli Ing rod up and away from receiver to disengaga it from bolt (22); then puli it down and backward to withdraw from recelver, Slide bolt (22) forward wbiło lifting upward Bnd outwwd with a rotary motlon to remoye from receryer, fteassembfe in re«r$e order.