

Caringfortheelderly 43


themedicalcare ofold people gerontology (n)

the scientific study ofold age andageing

‘Elderly’and‘older’are acceptable words to use about the elderly.‘Old’ is considered rude by many people.

2 Match each vocabulary item with a picture.    1 c |

7    power chair_

8    helpinghand.

9    false teeth_

10    artificial hip _

11    walking frame

12    commode_

2    Complete this dialogue of offers and reąuests. Use will, ot won’t and one of the verbs below.

fali pass stand do see

A Will1 you pass2 me my glasses? Then I_3

be able to_4 the television.

B Hereyouare.

A Thanks.Ohand_5 you_6 me

another favour?

B Whatnow?

A _7 you help me_8up?Iwantto

switch it on.

B You_9probably_10over.

I_11 do it.

A Thankyou.I_,2troubleyouagain.

3    Listen and check.Then practise the dialogue with your partner.

4    Hbw do you imagine yourself at 75 years old? Discuss it with your partner. Talk about these topics.

family    home    friends    health

sport    hobbies    routine    travel


- Wheredoyou thinkyou'll live whenyou're7S?

3 I hope HI live at home with my family.


=>roblemsand aids

II Work in pairs. Match the adjectives with the cases. Say v e adjectives as you do the exercise. The stressed part r: each word is in bold.

- n elderly person who...

can not leave her bed —^    a frail

: often wets himself \. b immobile ■    breaks a bonę easily    c    bedridden

t-    can t hear very well    d    confused

:    cannot move around freely    e    independent

t    cńencantrememberthings    f    forgetful

7    .vears his pyjamasin the Street    g    incontinent

=    cant see very well    h    shortsighted

r    lies to be free    i    deaf

1    hearingaid_

2    walking stick_

3    glasses _

4    pressure pad_

5    incontinence pad

6    bath lift_

3 Work in pairs. Take turns to choose a vocabulary item from above and explain what it is used for. The other student must guess the item.


A It’sfor helping people who are immobile to get around.

B Is it an artificial hip A No.tryagain.


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