Obrazek 14

Obrazek 14

Tif-t 5 3 Mtikłtf 5-b

Test 3 B













A Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrażeniami z ramki. Niektórych wyrażeń należy użyć kilkakrotnie.

(4 points)

must, mustn't, have to, don't have tor can, can't

0    You dorit have to hurry. I'm surę they'll wait for you.

1    Tell Mark and Tony they_stay in bed till

9 o'clock if they want. They don't have school today.

2    You_get a visa to visit Nepal. But

I don't think it's very expensive.

3    Tm afraid you_take all your toys

with you, girls. The car Is too smali.

4    The symptoms look very serious. You_

stay in bed for five days and take these pills three times a day.

5    You_bring a friend if you like.

6    Fortunately we_take warm clothes with

us. It's very hot in Greece at this time of the year.

7    Can't you see the sign, young man? You_

drive so fast on this road! It's forbidden!

8    You_shout at me! I can hear you

very well.

B Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednią formą przymiotników podanych w nawiasach.    (5 points)

There are five people in my family: my parents, Robert, Ana - my (0) yourrger (young) sister and me. Robert

is (1)_(old). He is also (2)_

(tali) and (3)_(intelligent) of us three.

My sister Ana is very smart as well, but certainly

(4)_(clever) than Robert. Her grades at

school are always (5)_(bad) than his.

Perhaps you will ask about my grades. Weil, they are

not bad, it's just that I am a bit (6)_

(lazy) than my brother and sister. For me many other

things and activities are (7)_(attractive)

than learning. Robert is different. He always does his

homework, even if it is (8)_(boring) thing

In the world! But (9)_(good) thing about

my brother is that he is always ready to help me and Ana with French and German. In fact, he is often

(10)_(helpful) than our language


C Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami podanymi

w nawiasach w odpowiedniej kolejności. (2 points)

0    She wants a (black, smali) snuli, black handbag for her birthday.

1    Tom always wears formal clothes to work - (wollen,

dark, old-fashioned)_

_suites and leather shoes.

2    His new girlfriend has got (big, beautiful, blue) _eyes.

3    My sister hates (cheap, nylon)_


4 One day I would like to buy a (smali, comfortable,



D Dopasuj wyrazy z dwóch kolumn tak, aby utworzyć wyrazy złożone. Odpowiedzi umieść w tabelce.(4 points)

0 organie

a) meat

1 fancy

b) dress

2 soft

c) test

3 tender

d) food

4 mobile

e) bread

5 home-made

f) baby

6 driving

g) drinks

7 new-born

h) bear

8 polar

i) phone

E Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słowami. W jedną

lukę można wpisać tylko jedno słowo. (5 points)

0 I hate making    speeches . I am just afraid of speaking in public.

1    Chris was very upset because many people didn't

turn_for his birthday party.

2    A man on his wedding-day or just before it is called


3    The only problem is that I don't_on

with my boss. He is just too difficult to co-operate with.

4 In Britain each child wears a_to school

- everybody is dressed in the same way.

5 Last year the Oscar_

went to Nicole Kidman.

for best actress




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