zeichnung ] Sound ] Aktionen Tweening |

Jweening:    *]

W T ween-Skalierung Drehen: (Automatisch    3r

Y~ An der Pfadrichtung orienlie

Abbręmsen: ~ -J- IE


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FORM II Bildeigenschaften II Bezeichnurn g
clockwise Label ] Sound] Aclions Tweening j Jweening: I Motion W Tweenscaling Rotate: Clockwise V~ O
easing Frame Properties □ ~zi I Label ] Soundj Actions Tweening Jweening:
url Frame Properties OK Label
f25 1 New Sound Please indicate new sound format and length. Bits 8 bit ♦ 16 bit Channels Sampling r
g2 Name grapes Alphabeł Lełłer 0 Word Search 1    (hard g sound) Search and circle łh
HebrewAlphabet NAME BASE DAGEŚ FINAŁ TRANSLIT. SOUND Alef X ) a glottal stop Bet 3 3 b,

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