■ poinls SW2 and
Connect both oi the push butlon wires lo Ihe wiros lo poinls SW1.
If you wish lo protect against polarity roverse (which is recommandable if the de-vice is buill lo be portable), an autorolais (min.20A 12V oi 24V) should be con-necled as indicaled al lig.6.
Connecl a currenl suppty (or a błock with multiple supply which can evenlually be inslalled on Ihe housing) lo Ihe Ihreaded lerminals LOAD.
Mounting Ihe Iranslormer:
Mount a 2x9V-220V/160W Iranslormer in Ihe housing il you wants to operale on 12V consuming max.160W.
Mount a 2x22V-220V/300W Iranslormer if you wants to operale on 24V consuming max.300W. In bolh cases a iranslormer ol less power could be used also, which has Ihen lo be taken into accounl when using Ihe convertor.
Connect the primaries (220V winding) lo lho Ihreaded lerminals PRIM.