PRI k2 06 kozankiewicz v1 1

PRI k2 06 kozankiewicz v1 1


1. Draw class diagram for the system (24pts):

Service station

(1)    „ABC” Comp. has many service stations (street, city, ZIP codę, optionally familiar name, unique identifier). Ali stations belonging to the company are open in the same days - currently from Tuesday to Saturday.

(2)    Each station offers at least 30 types of services (name, description, base price in Euro). Service of one type can consist of services of other types. Services are divided according to kind of service into: basie inspection, balancing of wheels, etc. Other types of services are known, but irrelevant. Some types of services can combine features of a few different types of services. The base price of a particularjype of seryice can be changed (inereased or decreased), but no morę tHen by 10 Euro a month.

(3)    From the other side we can identify services according to form of payment: partially reimbursed, paid and others types of services. (There will be other types of services, but they are still undefined.) A service can switch from being reimbursed to being paid, and so on. For partially reimbursed services we know who pays for the customer, percentage of price the customer has to pay, and the minimal amount of money the customer has to pay (this amount is the same for all partially reimbursed services). For paid services we know type of payment (cash or credit card) and discount (default value of discount is 10%).

(4)    Each type of service requires some skills (name of skill, name of certificate if there is any). There should be at least one skill assigned to each service.

(5)    Each type of service requires a set of activities (name, time it takes). The order of activities is important. Actiyity is strictly related to one type of seryice.

(6)    Each service station has assigned a set of ty pes of services that they specialize in (this is some part of services offered by the service station).

(7)    Company employs mechanics (personal details, datę of employment, job seniority). Each mechanic has at least 3 skills (these are the same skills as for the types of services). We know a datę of obtaining a certificate for the skill by a given mechanic (if there is a certificate for the skill).

(8)    Mechanic can go on holidays and system should storę information on history of holidays of a given employee i.e. dates from, dates to and destinations (destinations are not required).

(9)    Mechanics work in many service stations of the company. On each service station they can occupy a particular position. From 1 up to 2 mechanics are employed on a given position at a single station.

(10)    Company services cars of customers. For each car a body serial, an engine serial and an owner are known. Customer can order a particular type of service for his/her car. For each order we know a datę and a mechanic who processes it. An order includes only one type of service (if morę services should be performed then there are multiple orders). We also know in which service station the order was performed. Of course the same type of seryice can be performed many times for the particular car by the given mechanic. The mechanic can be assigned to the order only if he/she has all skills required for the type of seryice.

(11)    System should support:

•    Eyaluating how much a customer should pay for the seryice.

• Defining a new seryice station in two ways: by giving Street, city, ZIP codę or by giying Street, city, ZIP codę, and familiar name.

•    Generating reports on types of services. The reports are the same for all types of services except for basie inspections.

•    Finding mechanics that were on holidays in a given period of time.

•    Assigning a new skill to a mechanic (if a skill requires a certificate, then the name of the certificate and a datę of obtaining it "should be given).


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