One Cannot jee a fight 1 as is" t>ay from the point of vicv o: a bcuer, a wrestler, or anyoriK who i-1? train^in a par Li cal o r met bod; boeause ■« will = ee the fijjKL anuorcing i o the limitri ni bis particular cOclditionir.g. Fi gb Ling is befinilel./ no; s«:ni:L:ii:ig dici&ie;: by your conć aa a Chlr.cse martial ar'.iGt, r. Japar.ese mnrt.ial ar List, ect, Takt: for instunoe Lhe uase of the boxer: be próba o! y W III crłtisi7.e the poirk thal tac :\vo figh-tars are too close to alloW 'crispy1 pu cichnij roojn, Wbiło ;he wmsLie r or. the r hanc will complair. that ons of the fignter shotild 'orowć' and smotber the ot:ior's 'crispiness' Lbus be close enough to apply grappiiiig iaciici. So a spili weonnd beiwo-en the above iwo
State merita-----wben vieved fro:n totality-----“he boxer c.ould have switched irto
smotbering grappling iactics when tbere is no crispy punchinr- room. The wreallcr, when o lit of distsaofij oould have etther kicked or punched aa a raean to br idge the gap for his specialty, Truć ob3ervation begins when devoids o: set patterris, and froedon: of etipreasHin ooourrs when one is beyond Systems,
Onę c’aanot express fuliy---the important woró bero is :uliy---vvhen one is imposed by' a partiai set siructure or style. ''Wbat is" is total (including all 'ihat is' as weli as 'rhai i a not1}, wiihout boucidaries or lin es, aLive, frosh, and ulways new, Kow li o w ran ono be truły csware whor. tliere is a sereen of one's set paLtorn of whal shotild bo' as oppnfted to ’what i$r. Rcoause one do«s not want to be left uncertŁin or tr.f-acure, bo ho 'orgon-iz.es1 a obciętą pat tern o: combat, a patiem ot artificia: ielationship with tae opponer-t., a plamiec sponcaneity, eet. From żmita.iive drilling on suob org&nized 'łand-swj.^miitg peitfirnH1 Lho pratitioner's margin of froecom of expression grows Datrower ar.ri r.arrow-er. It wont be long beiore be will óecome paralyzed wilhin the framework ot sucń pattem on cl accepbthe paLtern z= re ality, the real tLing, In faot, many o.' the artiats are merely performing their metbydical rot;ti^.i^& as responso, ratner itiar. reepoudir.g to ' is1. They no-łonger 'lister.1 to circiimstt-noaa, Liiey 'rsoiia^ oirOLimsf[in::o£".