screenshot 9

screenshot 9

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[I?1 Settings

Let Squirriy automatically optimize my blog

li Sguirrly

Squirrly settings

What does Squirrly automatically do for SEO?

Yes    Add canonical link in home page

Yes PJ Add the XML Sitemap for search engines: http:/    sitemap.xml

Yes    Add the required METAs for home page (icon, author, language, dc publisher, etc.)

Jfes„ No J Add the favicon and the icon for Apple devices.

First page optimization (Title, Description, Keywords)

* Collapse menu

Yes \o | Add the correct title in the home page ffliWU No ] Add the correct description and keywords in all pages

Sq u irriy Snippet

Custom title for the home page


Custom description for the home page

Checkwith google

If you don't see any changes in custom optimization. checfc if another SEO plugin affects Sguirrly SEO



Custom title for the home page

Tips: Length 10-75 chars

Description. custom description for the home page

Tips: Length 70-165 chars



Tips: 2-4 keywords

r- Sguirrly Options




LetSquirrlywarn me ifthere are errors relatedto SEO settings Show "Enter a keyword" bubble when posting a new article. Always show Keyword Informations aboutthe selected keyword.

[— Change the Website Icon

Upload file: aJ

Alegeti fisierul

Nu s-au aleś fisiere


If you don t see the new icon in your browser. empty the browser csche and refresh the page.

r- Tool for Search Engines

Google Plus URL:


Google META verification codę for ,WebmasterToor:

<meta name="google-site-verification" content=”


Google •Ąnalytics ID':



Facebook META codę (for Mnsiohts )':

<meta property="fb:admins" content=''


Bing META codę (for * Webmaster Tool)':

<meta name="msvalidate.01" content=''


Save settings »

Thank you for creating with WordPress.

Yersion 3.5.1


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