1 In which of the following phrases will the plosive [b] be fully
2. Which group of sounds contains only sonorants?
M&£nasals, glides, liąuids vowels, glides, fricatives
tops, affricates, fricatives fricatives, nasals, liąuids
Which of the following IPA symbols represents a consonant sound that is not a phoneme of English?
Which of the following is not a consonant sound of English?
a. voiceless, interdental, fricative rcAoiced, dental, plosive
b. yoiceless, glottal, fricative voiced, palatal, glide
5. Which of the following sounds is a sonorant?
d] b. [h] c. [q] d. [tf1
6. The vowel [a:] is described as:
a. high, back, rounded b. mid, back, rounded
^cTJiigh, front, spread d. Iow, back, neutral
7. Which symbol represents the allophone of /n/ produced in infant'.
(jp [n] b. [rrj] c. [p] d fa]
8. The diphthong [eo] is described as:
a., risingandcentering falling and closing
c. rising and closing ydjfalling and centering
9. Which vowel sound is found in the unaccented syllable of the word machinę pronounced in RP?
a [o]
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