

tow ISO standards benefit society

7<r tK&nesses, the widespread adopbon of International Standards means that suppliers can base the dcvdopmcnt of thcłr roducts and seroces on speoficabons that have wide acceptance In thor sectors. Thłs, In tum, means that buslncsscs using ntemabonal Standards are mcreaangty free to compete on many morę markets around ttie wortd. ror customers, the worldwłde compabbility of tedwotogy wtilch is adneved when products and serwces are based on ntemabonal Standards brwgs them an mcreaslngly wde cholce of offers, and they also benefit frem the effects ct compebtion imong suppliers.

For govemments, Intemabonal Standards prwide the techrołogical and sdenblVc bases undcrplrming health, safety and sMronmental legtslation.

For trade oMdats negooating the emergence of regwnal and global markets, International Standards create "a level playing łekT for all compedtors on thosc markets. The ©dstcncc of dvcrgcnt nabonal or reglonał standards can create tethrtcal >amers to trade, even when therc is poliocal agreement to do away wlth rcstncbve import quotas and the hke. International standards are the tcchmcal means by which pcHOcal trade agreements can be put into pracbce.

For dcvdoping countries, [ntemabonal Standards that represent an intcmabonal consensus on the sute of the art :onst)tute an important source of tedmological know-hew. 8y definng the charactensbcs that products and senńces will be r-pcctcd to mcot on expcrt markets, Internabonal Standards gve dcveioping countries a bas*s fer making the nght dedsrons ahen mvesbng therr scarcc resources and thus avod sejuandering them.

For consumers, confbrmity cf products and serwces to Intemabonal Standards prondes assurance about their quat«y, safety

For cyery one, Intcmabonal Standards can oonthbute to the quaiity <

of life n generał by ensunng that the transport, machnery I soil guality, and on emtssions of gases and radiabon, can


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