



   evade = to avoid doing sth one is supposed to do or to avoid answering a question, often by deception

shirk = to avoid work because of laziness

duck = to avoid an object by a quick downwards


dodge = to avoid an object by a quick sideways movement

   sway = to influence others' opinions so they turn from a given course

Don 't try to sway me. I'm determined to take the job. influence = to cause sb to think/act in a particular way impress = to produce a lasting, positive effect affect = to produce a reaction usu negative The nuclear leak has affected all the farmers' crops.

   real = true as opposed to false

genuine = (object) what it seems to be, (person) sincere and honest

natural = not man-made

authentic = with known and proved origins

yalid = sth which can be used and will be accepted by

people in autlnority (a valid document, ticket)

   wealthy = having a lot of materiał possessions and money

affluent = wealthy and able to spend a lot of money Well-off = (informal) fairiy wealthy rich = [of food) fuli of ingredients which may be difficult to digest

extravagant = (object) sth that costs morę money than you can afford or sth which is beyond what is reasonable (an extravaganł lifestyie, gift}

lavish = (object) sth that is very elaborate and impressive and a lot of money has been spent on it [lavish partycosfumes)

   merchandise = (formal) things for sale

ware = manufactured goods of a particular type (silyerware)

commodity = sth which is sold for profit, an article of trade

stock = the total amount of goods a shop has avaiiabie to sell

1F    ^

   cure = (tr) to successfully treat, to restore to health remedy = (tr) to put right, usu of situations

heal = [tr/intr) to cure; to get better, improve = \\r\ to ajwe medlcal atteubon to

   imitate = to behave in exactly the same way as sb else copy = to produce sth that looks like the origina! thing emulate = [formal) to imitate sb because you admire them fake = to make sth seem genuine although actually false

•    slim = (complimentary) not fat (NB slim chance: slight possibility)

lean = (complimentary) healthily thin, without fat (also of meat)

skinny = (uncomplimentary) very thin

slender= (complimentary) attractively thin, esp ofwomen

•    moulder = to decay slowly

rot = (intr/tr) to (cause to) decay because of bacteria etc, esp of vegetation

Waste = (intr/tr) to grow weak and smali; to use badly decompose = (intr/tr) to (cause to) go bad, esp of flesh

   snarl = to make an angry noise while showing the teeth, esp of dogs etc

howl = to ery, esp of dogs; to ery with pain bleat = to ery, esp of sheep, goats etc twitter = to make a sound like a bird

   reference = (in the expression in/with reference to) = used to indicate what sth relates to/in connection with affinity = relationship, similarity or connection

relation = (object) connection; (person) a member of one's famiiy

connection = relationship between two things, people or groups

   sliyer = a smali thin piece or amount of sth chip = a smali piece of sth

crumb = smali part of a larger object, esp bread, cake etc

cube = square-shaped piece of sth (wood, sugar, meat)

   chop = to cut sth into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe

shred = to cut into thin strips

mince = to cut with a machinę into smali pieces (meat) grate = to shred smali pieces off sth (cheese, carrots) by rubbing against a rough surface

   fade = to become less elear (with time) yanish = to disappear suddenly disappear = to be lost, to no longer be seen pale = to become lighter in colour

   toss = to throw into the air, esp of coins, pancakes etc throw = to launch through the air, esp using the hand and arm

cast = to throw, let fali (stones, shadow) fling = to throw sth using a lot of force

   practise = to do an action repeatedly or do exercises i regularly in order to gain skill (a musical instrument)

\ \earn = to ottam Vnow\eóge or o sV\W tbrougb studymg or training

teach = to give knowledge of a particular subject to someone

Mrs Jones teaches French at a secondary school.



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