


scrutinise = to look closely and carefully at sth inspect = to examine sth thoroughly glimpse = to have a passing view of sb or sth

   harass = (formal) to continually and unfairly annoy and cause trouble to sb

pester = to annoy sb with repeated requests for sth get on ał = (informai) to continually nag or tell sb to do sth

tease = (usu of children) to laugh at or make fun of in an unkind way

He was teased af school for being fat.

•    chip = (tr) to break a smali wedge-shaped piece ofF the edge of an object

smash = (tr/intr) to break violentiy and often deiiberateiy into pieces

He smasbed bis jawbone in a crash.

snap = (tr/intr) to break suddenly esp with a sharp

cracking noise

She snapped the biscuit in half and we sbared it.

shatter = (tr/intr) to break [usu glass or china) into

hundreds or thousands of pieces

break off = to come off or remove by force

crack = to {cause to) break without dividing into separate


Don't pour hot water info the glass or if will crack.

   scatter = (tr/intr) to throw many things in a random manner; (with groups of people) hurriedly and randomly disperse in all directions

The farmer scattered the seeds over the field.

Suddenly the crowd scattered.

disperse = (tr/intr) to break up (a group of people or a thing) and move its component parts away in various directions (used esp with the police)

Many arrests were madę as the police affempted to disperse the rioters.

strew = (tr) to drop things over a surface, esp in an untidy or careless manner

sprinkle = (tr) to drop sth in fine quantities She sprirtkled sugar over the cake.

   stagger = walk very unsteadily, for example because you are ill

reel = to move about in an unsteady way as if one is going to fali

totter = to move in an unsteady way from side to side as if about to fali

stumble = put your foot down awkwardly while you are wafking or running and nearly fali over

   slide = to move smoothly but unintentionally over a surface

glide = to move smoothly and easily over a surface

slip = to slide suddenly without intention

I stipped on the wet pavement and fell over.

skid = usu with vehicles on roads to mean to slide

suddenly and uncontrollably while trying to stop

   huddle = to iie close to sb/sth in a confined space, usu for protection from adverse conditions

The children huddled together in the corner of the room to keep warm.

nestle = to settle comfortably in a secure place snuggle = (esp up) to Iie in comfort close to sb/sth The baby snuggled up to its mother under the blankets. cuddle = to hołd firmly and lovingly in ones arms

•    fend = to take great care of sb/sth (a garden, a wound) altend (to) = to be with and take care of sb/sth, usu in a Professional capacity

The patient was attended by several specialists. grow (a plant) = to put seeds or young plants in the ground and look after them as they develop mainfain = (a building, a machinę) to keep it in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary

   betray = to be disloyal; to break a morał obligation (sb's trust, confidence etc)

diyulge = to give away secret Information, esp personal

(a secret, a source etc)

reveal = to show sth, to make sth known

He removed the cover and revealed his wife's portrait.

disclose = similar meaning to reveai but generaliy used

with morę secrecy. To show sth that was previously

concealed; to make sth known

   shove = to move (sth) forward with a strong, usu careless, motion

tote = to carry

pile (things) = to form a pile gradually

He piied the boxes one on top of the other.

thrust (sth or sb) = push sth or sb quickly with a lot of


heaye = push, puli or lift sth using a lot of effort

   stem from = to have as origin

Her interest in flowers sfems from her childhood in the country,

beget = to cause sth to happen or be created

Economic tensions beget politicai ones.

generale = to cause sth to begin and develop

The scientisTs talk generated further discussion of the


commence = (formal) to begin

The academic year commences af the beginning of October.

   chat = to talk to each other in an informal and friendly way

chatter = to talk quickly and continuously, usu about unimportant things



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