

prattle = to talk a great deal without saying anything important

babble = to talk in a confused or excited way gossip = to talk about other people's private affairs

ine between two countries boundary = dividing linę between two private areas (between two farmers' fields, between two gardens) verge = point just before sth begins (the verge of war) brim = point at which sth is fuli (brim of a bowl) rim = edge of sth circular The rim of my spectocles is gold.

(out of) bounds = (of) an area where you are not allowed to go

•    susceptible = {to sth] likely to be affected by sth (negative) He s susceptible to fits ofanger.

liable = (to do sth) likely to do sth specific He's liable to be late tomorrow.

prone = (to sth, often unexpecfed) likely to suffer from (prone to accidents)

apt = (to do sth) likely to do sth, behave in some way (apt to be careless)

sensitiye (to sth) = likely to show understanding and awareness of other peoples needs, problems or feelings

   shore = land right on the edge of the sea A boat comes into shore.

bank = land on the edge of a river coast = area next to the sea

beach = seashore area with sand or stones usu where people go to sunbathe

   seize = to take sth quickly, often with violence (seize the banks takings)

grab = take sth quickly, often with vioience or for a selfish

reason (children grab sweets)

grasp = hołd sth firmiy (to grasp a child by the hand)

clutch = hoid sth tightly usu againstonefs body

She clutched her bog nervously.

take = to reach out for sth and hołd it

sack = (informal) to dismiss sb from their job due to their

failure to carry out duties properly

make redundant = to dismiss sb (usu large numbers) from

their job(s) due to financial problems, or because one's

job is no ionger necessary

resign = to give notice and leave a job

retire = to leave a job at retirement age (usu 60 or 65

years) or due to constant illness

trouble = difficulty, worry, anxiety, annoyance etc

cause = sth which produces an effect; a person, thing or

event that makes sth happen

problem = a situation that is unsatisfactory and causes difficulties for people

   disaster = sth which has a negative effect (harm, loss, etc)

cataclysm = violent disaster on a larger scalę (war, voicanic eruption etc)

calamiły = misfortune or disaster usu on a smaller, morę personal scalę than a cataclysm catastrophe = sudden disaster or misfortune

   secł = closely bound religious group

breed = type of animal which is of pure race usu dogs,

cats or horses (Siomese cats, Alsatian dogs}

tribe = group of people of the same race living as a

community esp in nomadic or primitive cultures

caste = group of people linked by rank, wealth, social

position, usu in India (of a high/low social caste)

   ally = sb who supports/helps another esp in war accomplice = sb who helps another usu in crime or wrongdoing

acquaintance = person who one knows but who is not a close friend

associate = sb you are closely connected with, especially at work

   fee = charge asked by a professional for a service stipend = income (esp of clergymen)

salary = fixed payment for work, madę at regular intervals

wages = weekly payment for regular work unveii = to officially uncover sth; usu a statuę

unpack = to take sth out of a box or parcel

unwrap = to take the paper off the outside usu of a


reveal = to let out a secret or scandal

put up with = to tolerate sb or sth

I couldrt't put up with the noise anymore.

afford = to have enough money to buy sth

withstand = to endure sth without being badly damaged

or collapsing (withstand bad treatment)

support = to have enough money to provide food,

clothing etc for dependents (support a wife and children)

confirm = to provide (usu written) evidence as to the

correctness of sth

An ID card can confirm your identity.

guarantee = to promise something will definitely happen

Our company guarantees to refund your money if you

are not satisfied with the product.

assure = to tell sb with confidence

reassure = to put sb's mind at rest when they are worried

about sth



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