Wclcomc to NET Trofflc Mctcr.
Before you can use NET Tranie Meter correcdy you must check 3 items:
1) Tire wali
Allow NET Trafflc Mctcr acccss In your fłrcwall so that łt may monitor your trafflc.
NET Trafflc Meter uses a driver that captures your r*tworfc and internet trafflc. \vT>en trafflc (for a Me or an emal) rs sent to your Computer it is
capturcd by this dnvcr, onalyscd and sent bock to the correct destnodon. This causes some frewots to display the mcssaęe that 'NET Traffi: r-łeter’ or 'Netmon NT Dnver (nmnLsysy is accesiną or is being contacted by a ramot* Computer. ThiS ts norma! and required if NET Trafflc Meter monltors your internet.
2) NetWork or modem Interface
Salect your necwork or modem ntarface below:
Karta Knrjstcn EthcRx KNE100TX FCI Fast Etncrret (21143-FO)fl(
Tf-4S devlcc IS not ccrnected or cannot bc storted at ttrs dmcl
3) Coruiection speed
For cptmal usc, select the correct connecfcon speed bdlow.
Automatic Dl
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