t4w235 jpeg

t4w235 jpeg

File Edit View Scrollback


Starting lighttpd 12/16/08-00 st40212 z /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart Shutting down lighttpd Starting lighttpd

j 12 /IG .08 -00 st40212:- - []

la; root: bash





File Edit View Scrollback Bookmarks Settings Help

12/16/08-Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Fi ni shed 12/16/08-Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Fi ni shed 12/16/08-Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Fi ni shed 12/16/08-Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Fi ni shed 12/16/08-Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Fi ni shed

01 SŁ40212:-/tokar 200 requests 400 requests 600 requests 800 requests 1000 requests 1200 requests 1400 requests 1600 requests 1800 requests 2000 requests 2000 requests 01 st40212:-/tokar 200 requests 400 requests 600 requests 800 requests 1000 requests 1200 requests 1400 requests 1600 requests 1800 requests 2000 requests 2000 requests 01 SŁ40212:-/tokar 600 requests 1200 requests 1800 requests 2400 requests 3000 requests 3600 requests 4200 requests 4800 requests 5400 requests 6000 requests 6000 requests 01 st40212:-/tokar 600 requests 1200 requests 1800 requests 2400 requests 3000 requests 3600 requests 4200 requests 4800 requests 5400 requests 6000 requests 6000 requests 01 s t40212:-/tokar

ab2 -n 2000 -c 600 http://localhost/index.html > /root/tokar/t4-n2-vl-w235.txt

ab2 -n 2000 -c 600 http://localhost/index.html > /root/tokar/t4-n2-v2-w235.txt

ab2 -n 6000 -c 600 http://localhost/index.html > /root/tokar/t4-n6-vl-w235.txt

ab2 -n 6000 -c 600 http://localhost/index.html > /root/tokar/t4-n6-v2-w235.txt

ab2 -n 10000 -c 600 http://localhost/index.html > /root/tokar/t4-nl0-vl-w235.txt

1000 requests 2000 requests 3000 requests 4000 requests 5000 requests 6000 requests 7000 requests 8000 requests 9000 requests 10000 requests 10000 requests

M tokar: bash

/ lighttpd.conf - KWrite

File Edit View Tools Settings Help

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server.max-keep-alive-requests = 16 server.max-keep-alive-idle = 5 server.max-connections = 1024 server.max-read-idle = 2^5 server.max-write-idle = 360 server.max-fds = 2048



## /etc/l ighttpd/l i ghttpd. conf ##

## check /etc/l ighttpd/conf. d/*. conf for the conflguration of modules. ##

####################################################################### #######################################################################


## Some Vanable defimtion which Mili make chrootmg easier.


## if you add a variable here. Add the correspondmg variable in the ## chroot example aswe11.


var.log_root    =    "/var/log/lighttpd"

var.server_root    =    M/srv/www"

var.state_dir    =    "/var/run"

var.home_dir    =    ”/var/lib/lighttpd"

var.conf_dir    =    "/etc/lighttpd" ## ## run the server chrooted.


## This requires root permissions during star tup.


## If you run Chrooted set the the variables to djrectories relative to ## the chroot dir.


## example chroot conflguration:


#var. log_root #var. server_root #var. state_dir #var. home_dir #var. vhosts_dir #var. conf_dir #

#server. chroot




"/! ib/l i ghttpd" "/vhosts"




## Some additional variables to make the conflguration easier ##


## Base directory for all virtual hosts ##

## used in:

## conf. d/evhost. conf ## conf. d/simple_vhost. conf ## vhosts. d/vhosts. template ##



var.vhosts dir = server root + M/vhosts"

Linę: 4 Col: 25 INS LINĘ Apache Configuration lighttpd.conf

http.pdf (application/pdf Object)

tokar - Dolphin


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