Testy Gimnazjalne 4

Testy Gimnazjalne 4

Test 8 Część B

8.5 Turysta z Anglii zatrzymuje Cię na ulicy i pyta Cię o coś. Niestety, mówi dość szybko i nie wszystko rozumiesz. Jak się do niego zwrócisz?

A.    Could you speak up, please? It's too noisy.

B.    Could you repeat that, please? I haven't heard your question.

C.    Could you speak slowly, please? I haven't understood.



8.3 | 8.4


Do poniższego obrazka dobierz odpowiedni opis. Wpisz w kratkę wybraną literę. (1 pkt)

A.    In the picture I can see a smali boy. The boy is five years old. He's wearing a sleeve!ess T-shirt and looks happy. I think he's typing an e-mail and he likes it.

B.    In the picture I can see a smali child who is using his father's laptop. The child is about six years old and is playing a Computer gamę with his brother.

C.    In the picture I can see a boy who is doing his homework. He's using a Computer to find some important information on the Internet. His sister is helping him.

