TF08 Clipart for SummerGpgs

TF08 Clipart for SummerGpgs

Making the Most of it!


H you have access to a roJ laen rutce yku aboady know htw fortunat* you orc They a/< priceWis v.łxn i! ccettt* to łttdng tire and moncy Try these ideas

1    Yoj tan laminat* w thsn Ju« classrooro postera and constiutkn pjper Try v*V»s fcnds, of fabiic. uul paper and <łfc wrappe>3 YouT be surpńsed a! the great combratMis you comc up w*h.

lamrutcd dasaifieJ eds can be used to CU hcaćngs ior cutreni event hArtin fcoarrfs Cołotftd g«g ham latek nufces tcrnfk cut kners cc scalk-pfd edging You rrógh! ewn tiy builap! li looto tcmftc on a fal bifatin fcoord

(You tan «n make p*ofcw.oal loołóng bocimjrla urth lam/sycd Łłbric er buriap. They *e gwa! gtfl kicał I

2    F«k markera and lammatcd paper cc falek can wwk aa a team Just make juto the marfseis you usc aie prrmanml and not water based. Oops. make a rortJjkr! Thats <*ay Put a IśBJe bghter fW on a ttssue. iub acro* the maik and peesto. m gon*1 0>y transfer maikm uerk gieat en laminatśon. too >

3    LuróWjng <ut<oi characrera can S; tncfcy. II you Itace enkrged an Antratkn onlo poster boaid. srroiv Urrinate fiut and thrn cut K out v»lth an aet We Łkw make serc the lamnator t» pimty hot)

One problem may ansę uhen y<xi poste an itwstraeon poster board and lamnatc the fafehed pioduct. H yxr paue up do»* not cowr IOOH o< the Oustratioo. the poster bosrd may se pirat* ftccn a after Urinatlng. To avo*d thn proHern. pastę yc*r iSafrsŁon onlo poster board that rrea-sures sightky lirger Thtt wey. the latnmafco urfl help hołd d:<an your ikntiation.

Hm* ycu cw limnatod student madę płace mats, crayon słia.togs ttssue paper cokges. ot drScd Ikwefrs’ Ycwll be amazed a! the uarfety of cri!jtr.v thngs that can be brr.ksated and used 'm the clawoom. ot tn take-hetre gifts

Teachtf ł Fnmd Pkbluoona. W C TT-1608 Op An for Surmrr


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