układanka z wyrażeń
Expressions list
1 haveanest egg.
1 bet my bottom dollar on it. 1 cut my losses. lbrokeeven.
1 bought it for a song.
I Iived beyond my means.
I paid an arm and a leg for it.
I dedded to foot the bill. lgotitatface value.
I II probably have to grease her palm.
We went Dutch.
1 bought him off.
I otfered a penny for his thoughts. I cooked the books.
I was strapped for cash.
I didn't make any profit (but I didn't lose any money either").
I spent far morę money than I was earning.
The price I paid was far too expensive.
I paid for everything.
I paid exactly the amount of money printed on the item.
I have some money saved in case I need it in the futurę.
I really believed it would be OK so I risked all my money.
I had already lost some money and decided not to waste any morę.
When I went out with her, both of us paid our own part of the bill.
\ gave money t° S'°P ; threats.
I asked him what was on his mind.
» When the money didn't iłdd up properly, I dishonestly J changed the figures.
\th\nkabnbe^aY be oecessary-
It was much cheaper than I was almost penniless.
it should have been. —
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