Bcstsclling author Andrca Kanc creates tal es
extravagantly laced with passion and spine-tingling cxcitcment—tales so richly pattemed, so mesmerizing, and so fuli of surprises that, as Pitblisbcrs Wcekly describes, “Kane lulls her readers down romantic hallways, which ar first sccm familiar, only to takc a sudden and refreshingly ncw twist in the journcy to the story’s cnd.'1
Lady Brandicc Townsend stands miserably on tlić threshold ofwomanhood. Not only must she bid good-byc to the man shc’s adored sińce childhood as lic sails ołf to war, she must embark on her dreaded debut into London society. Restless and disheartened, Brandi is drawn back to Kmcrald Manor, the fairy tale cottagc whose lush gardens are her own privatc havcn. Abruptly, tragedy strikes, wresting away all she holds dcar, leasing naughr but a dark and uncertain futurę.
Lord Quentin Steel is tom from his brilliant military carccr in Wellington^ anny by news of a shattering family disaster. Returning home to the Cotswolds, hc is confronted by two staggering discorcries: that the dcath of his parents was no accidenr and that the Brand i hc left lx-hind has blossomed into a rarc and extraordinary woman—one who inspires feelings he can neithćr allow nor control....
l ogether, Brandi and Qucntin must uncarth the agonizing tmth behind his parents’ demise and in the procesy rcveal a love ntore precious than all the facets of Lmerald Garden.