W onIJ you like to learn how to
knit? You certainly can with this book! Do you already know how to knit? Then rhis hx>k is also rhe right one lor you. It is not just .1 detailed, accu-ratę, and richly illusrrated book of the fundamentals, it is also a comprehensive rcference work tor evcry imaginablc problem thar can come up in knitting.
Knitting is one of the oldest and most popular needlecrałt arts. People wcrc knitting as far back as the Middle Ages, although at that time knitting was primarily considered “busy work” for upper-class women and girls. Bur it was also practiced for economic reasons. Eco-nomics played a role cven later. \vhencver times got tough.
In today’s fast-paced world, however. knitting has taken on a wholc new function. Knitting is creative, fashionable, and fun. And last but not least: Knitting soothes the ncrves!
Because of the enormous and constantly changing sclcction of yarns, thcrc are almost no limirs on your imagination.
1 ligh-quality standard yarns are available in many different colors, which are constantly updated. Bcginners can use fashionable specialty yarns that hide slight irregularities. For advanced knitters, there are countless pattems at all levels of difficulty.
The chaptcr on “Basic Techniques” explains all the fund amen tal steps in detaii—from the various methods for casting 011, to seh edge stitches, to bind-ing oft with knitting or tapestry nccdles. Then there are rhe "Perfect Details”— bands and facings that look good from both sides. Nearly knitted neck hands for round and V-neck nccklines. Polo collars and shawl collars that lit perteedy. Straight, slanted. or added pockets, buttonholes, and zippers.
There is also a detailed chaptcr on linishing, because how you put the parts