Scwing in zippers is a very special topie in knitting. To keep the knitted piece and the edge next to the zipper from becoming \vavy. you have to work \ ery accurate-ly. The zippered elosure should kx)k good from łx>th sid es.
Zipper with Double Facing
On the cardigan shown to the right. the ripper was sewn in betwecn .1 double facing.
After ytni havc worked the ncck band. pick up 3 stitches over 4 iows fn*m the edges. Uso a knitting necdlc that is 2 to 3 sizes larger than the needles uscd for the neck Kami.
Dont lei thesize oi the stitches bother you. Half of this will be pttlleJ to the inside for pic king up the snrches for the inside facing.
Now work 3 rows of stockinette stitch (= I rowot pml stitches on the wrong side, 1 mwofknu stitches on the nght side, I row of purl stitches on the wrong side) with the tiiuMi: needles. Thcn bind off the stitches in a row on the right side of the work with purl stitches.
Il you arc using hcavy yarn. 2 rows of'stockinette stitch may be enough. Rur il you ore using very thin vam. you might have to work 4 rows ot stockinette stitch. I he facing must be approxumtelv as wide as the fabric edge of the ripper.
On the inside. pick up l stitch ii om the kv>ps oi'every stitch prceiously picked upon the right side. and work the facing the same way as on the
For the inside facing. pick up 1 stitch from each of the loops of the front facing stitches, and work the facing like the outside facing.
The zipper neatly sewn in. as seen from the wrong side.
The zipper neatly sewn in as seen from the right side.