outside. The mstde łaciny will be I stitch na nowe r than the outside łaciny.
Pin (be ripj>?r to ihc edge< ni rhe facings so that the ;ipper leeth aa-cxposed, and sew it down between tltc pnH stitch and the błnding-off stitch wirh stroni: sewing thread in a matching color. Then sew the inskle łaciny down.
In rhe examplc shown, 2 stitches in reverse stockinette are worked berween each ot'rhe cablcs. The ripper is sewn into tlifc. rib of revcrsc stockinette. Ycm can work npper closures in any venic.il ribbing pattern this way.
At the point where the 2 halves ot the piece dn ide, cast on 2 addirional stitches on both sidc-, between the purl stitches, for rhe undcmcath parts. The rippor iv then sewn on using invisiNe stitch. between the last stitch ł»ł the cable and rhe purl stitch. To do this. altemately catch a crasswise thread and sew u short stitch through the fabric oł the ripper. ( rhe wn>ng skle "I rhe work, sew the :ippcr tapes to ihe tinJernearh part ot the knitting.
Tho same zipper with a binding off edge worked with knit stitches. Horę the seam is sewn through the middle of the binding-off stitches.
The same zipper with the edgo bound off with knit stitches, as seen from the wrong side.