Shaker Knitting

Shaker knitting pattems have a lot of “depth." And once you get the hang of it. they re verv easy to knit.

Yam labcLs always have recom-mended needle si:es, such as siie 3 to U. Since shaker knit' ring stretches a lot -double shaker knitting in włdth, single sh.iket knitting in length—you should knir these patterns relativelv tightly and, there-tore, you shtniklnr use the biggest needle size itulicated. ll" you tend to knit l(x\sely, >i:e 3 will bc big enough; if you tend to knit tightly, use size 4.

For the same rcason, thc sample lor gauge (pages 50-51) has to be stretchcd slightly bcforc you measurc It so that your sweater doesn’t tum out roo big Don t worry ił the knitted piecos look smali. Thev woni have the correct size umil ałter they aro hlocked ot washed.

In shaker knitting. thc sebedge stitchcs have to bc knit verv tightly. A purled garter stitch sebedge ts best. Purl the selvedge stitchcs in evcry row and puli them tightly.

Vcry nice cjcamples ol this ate the V* necks on page N3. A purled garter stitch seleedge is mi even that no additional łactng ts required. For edges that wint disappear in a seam. such as scarces or the front edges oł a cardigan. .i selvedgc worked in shaker knitting looks the mosr mrracrice (sec sebedge stitchcs, pages 26-27).

Also make surc rhar there is always a purl stitch ncxt to the sebedge stitches on the nghr side of the work. You will need this purl stitch to make ati invisible .seani later. This means that in double and single shaker knitting, you must ca<t on an odd number ol titchcs. and already make surę iii the rtbbmg that in the firsr ruw i>n tlvc wrong side ot" thc work. you knir a srirch next to thc selvedge stitth.

Bind ott shaker knitting as rhe stitchcs lic -i.c., in double and single shaker knitting, you ałtemareły bind off a knit and purl stitch. Work tightly. espedally ar the shoulder searns, mi that they dont stretch tiK> much later. lnsiead ofbinding ołf these stitchcs by p.issing them ovor, you can also bind them ott with a crochct hook or by knitting them together. lnstead ot using yam over, double and single shaker knit-ring can bc worked by insert ing the needle in the stitch ot' the preeious nnv. Toninm knit tors, this scems a simpler way of doing it, but rhe knitting becomes much kioser because nn etuire stitch ts opencd up. In most instances. the tinished piece kuks as iiit was knit uncvcnly—and tr doe>n’t go any łaster either! Also, when you use some ynrns, such a.s nubhy or boucle yarn, rhe stitches don’t neccssarily unraeel by tbetnselees.


For shaker knitting, as com-pared with stockinette stitch. you need about 30%-50% morę yarn. Make surę you choose “light" yarn that isn't twistod too tightly. Wool and wool blends are lighter than cotton yarns. Even a sweater knit in stockinette stitch comes out fairly heavy when it is madę of cotton. The heavier thc sweater, the morę it will "grow" later!



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