Gather 'round for some counting fun with these barnyard buddies. To make the center, duplicate ten copies of the farmer and the animal pictures (page 97) onto tagboard. Duplicate ten enlarged copies of the barn pattern on page 96 onto red tagboard. Label each farmers pail with a different numeral from "one” to ‘ ten/' Color the farmer and animals: then cut out the animal pictures. Glue the animals to the barns in sets of one through ten. Laminate all of the patterns and cut them out. To use this center, a youngster counts the animals on a barn cutout; then he matches it to a farmer with the matching numeral on his pail.
Liz Mooney—Gr. K Central Rayrw*
Rayne. LA
Fal! inło counting with number flips! Use tan construction paper to duplicate six copies of the squirrel pattern on page 98. Cut out one squirrel along the bold outline. From the remaining five copies, separately cut out the middle and bottom portions of the sąuirrel s body along the dotted lines. Pair middle and bottom portions. Using a different color of marker for each pair, program the bottom portion of a matching pair with a numeral from "one to "five" and the middle portion with a corresponding set of acorns. Laminate all pieces for durability. In random order, stack the middle and bottom portions atop the uncut squirrel cutout. To make a number flip booklet, punch holes at the dots. Join the pages with smali metal rings. To use this center. a child flips the middle and bottom portions of the squirrel's body to match. check-ing his answer by making surę both the number and the acorn set are the same color.
adapred from an idea by Andrea Bernard—Gr. K Acadian Ekimentary Houma, LA