FRONT COVER PłK)TO MATERIA1.S NF.F.OF.I) Art on U watch. 2' s(|uarc ol perloraled paper. super glue. beading tliread. needle. 1’pinback.
♦I\istv Rosc •Bluk
bugi>: bfads nkf.dei>
Smali Black
INSTRlfCTIONS: I Bead paper foł-lowing chart and Basic Insłructions
2. Altach Iringe lollowing dia-gram
3- Cut center hole Iroin beaded piece. Gloc to bereł with super gjue. Glue pin back to watch.
FRONT CONTR PHOTO MATERIALS NEEDEl): Art on U watch. spring ring. imnpnng. super glue. beading thread. needle.
Pebble: Midnlgfit Rainl»w Seed: Raintxiw BI.GI.E BFADS NEEDEl)
Smali Rov.vl Mauve INSTRUCTIONS: I. Recnove band Irom watch and replace watch pin. Cut four 2-C pieces ol thread Fold cach piece in hall and attach to watch pin wlth a larks head knot
Thread a single strand ol thread through the needle. Bead lollowing beading diagram I. Repeat with remainlng 7 threads
2. Tle the 8 threads logether In an overhand knot under the beads to secure. Thread the 8 threads through 4 Pcbbte beads.
3. Thread the needle with one thread and bead lollowing beading diagram II Repeal with remaining threads
4. Tliread all 8 threads through 2 Pebble beads. a (umprtng and back through PcbWc beads Puli tlght and knot. Slip knot into top pebble bead. Put a smali dot ol super glue on knot.
5. Repeat on ollier side ot watdi. adding clasp.
6. Sprcad super glue on beret Iront. a smali area at a time Glue Bugle beads around lace. spaced apart and pointlng toward the edge. Glue Seed beads belwecn Bugle beads Glue another łayer ot Bugle and Seed bead* on top ot hrst laytr if desired.
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