Wicker White #90! Sunflower #432 School Bus Yellow #736 Mapie Syrup =945
3 Paint the Design
Pink Petal Flowers:
Refer to Painting Worksheet #3.
1. Double Ioad Wicker White ar.ci Berry Winę on 1" f.at brush.
Paint each peta', wir. Wicker White and Berry Winę; tum Bem/ Winę side to outer edge.
2. Paint creases witr. same colors on chisel edge of brush. puliing from center outward.
3. Pcunce flower centers with Yellow Ochrę and a touch of
Mapie Syrup double loaded on the large scruffy brush. Sunflowers:
FolkArf Acrylic Colors:
Berry Winę #434 Basil Green #645 Green Forest =448 Licorice #938
FolkArf Artists’ Pigment Colors:
Dioxazine Purple #463 Yellow Ochrę #917
FolkArf One-Stroke Brushes:
Rat - sizes #12. 3/4". 1", M/2" Large scruffy brush
Painting Surface:
Rower design is cut from 1 /2" plywood One standard post cut in half lengthwise (available at home improvement Stores)
White eggsheil-finish latex wali paint 'for basecoating wood
Other Supplies:
Wood screws for attaching cutout headboard to posts FolkArf One-Stroke " Sponge Painters #1195 FolkArf CiearCote Matte Acryłic Sealer #789 Optional: One-Stroke “ Reusable Teaching Guides - Par.sies #1104, Sunflowers #1105
1. Cut head board shape from 1/2" plywood. See pattern on pattern sheet.
2. Lightly sana wood and wipe clean.
3. Basecoat bcard and posts with one or two coats of White wali paint. Let ary.
4. Rub dampened sponge into Basil Green. Sponge onto white basecoat for a sof: background. Let dry.
5. With same sponge, pick up morę Basi! Green and a touch of Sunflower. Paint posts. Let dry.
6. Transfer flower patterns to headboard.
1. Multi-ioad the 1" fiat brush with Yellow Ochrę and School Bus Yellow. Then sideload the School Bus Yellow side into Wicker White. With Wicker White turned to outer edge, paint each petal.
2. Pounce center with double loaded Yellow Ochrę and a touch of Mapie Syrup, using the large scruffy brush.
3. Using same brush, pick up a touch of Wicker White on the Yellow Ochrę edge of brush and pounce to highlight flower center.
Refer to Painting Worksheet #3.
1. Double Ioad Mapie Syrup and a touch of Licorice on the large scruffy brush. With Mapie Syrup on the top edge, pounce centers in a “C" shape.
2. Puli petals from the pounced center for each stroke, using Yellow- Ochrę and School Bus Yellow double loaded on the 3/4r fiat brush.
3. Using the same scruffy brush from step 1. pick up a touch of Yellow- Ochrę on the Mapie Syrup edge. With Yellow Ochrę turned to outer edge, pounce highlight on flower centers.