No - 32) Does u crossword puzzle consist of many linie pieccs ofwood or cardboard of di l lerem shapcs and si/es ?
Ycs - 33) fs "breathe" a verb ?
Ycs - 34 Docs ihe verb “to strip" ntean the same as "to undress" V
Ycs - 35) Docs a boxer use a towel for wiping the swcut off his fucc?
Ycs - 36) Do ditchcs have to be dug w hen tields get llooded ?
No - 37) Iscoughingasignofgoodhcalth?
Yes 38) Does iron rust in a wet atmosphcrc ?
Ycs - 39) Does a car nced to lmvc ils brakes on when standing on a stecp slope ?
No - 40) Do peoplc wrap up well in stimmer ?
Vocabulary Test
1) nest |
11) sauce |
2) smnrl |
12) yield |
3) beat |
13) drag |
4) disappoint |
14) bil |
5) ashamed |
15) crush |
6) rubbish |
16) slight |
7) luggage |
17) rade |
8) fever |
18) amioy |
9) shock |
19) clap |
10)beyond |
20) rude |