10 3

10 3

No - 32) Does u crossword puzzle consist of many linie pieccs ofwood or cardboard of di l lerem shapcs and si/es ?

Ycs - 33) fs "breathe" a verb ?

Ycs - 34 Docs ihe verb “to strip" ntean the same as "to undress" V

Ycs - 35) Docs a boxer use a towel for wiping the swcut off his fucc?

Ycs - 36) Do ditchcs have to be dug w hen tields get llooded ?

No - 37) Iscoughingasignofgoodhcalth?

Yes 38) Does iron rust in a wet atmosphcrc ?

Ycs - 39) Does a car nced to lmvc ils brakes on when standing on a stecp slope ?

No - 40) Do peoplc wrap up well in stimmer ?

Vocabulary Test

1) nest

11) sauce

2) smnrl

12) yield

3) beat

13) drag

4) disappoint

14) bil

5) ashamed

15) crush

6) rubbish

16) slight

7) luggage

17) rade

8) fever

18) amioy

9) shock

19) clap


20) rude


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