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Proparing tho fan module:
Removo ino fan modulo fforn its box ano insert ihe fan blado onto the motor ax<s. Ensuro tho connoctłon is tight.
Power tho fan with two hoat sourcos:
Connect łhe wws into tho tan plugs and toto tho thermoolectric syslom sockots, Ensure to rospect tho cołor codo You will seo that tho fan start to rotate imnvcdiatoly. li is duo to the Seebocks offoct which turns hoat into electricdy.
Noto: At this momont. tho tomporaturo difforonco botwoon tho two sidos should bc moro than 70C. Tho temperaturo difference is proportional to tho genorated power. A 70‘C diffcronco of temporaturo is onough to powor the fan for a long łffne. Tho power is gonoratod duo to Soebock‘s effcct which turns hoat into electricity. Thero is a heat ©xchange botween the two hoat sourcos duc to tomporaturo difforonco. Tho hot wator will progressively cool down and tho cold ono ill bo hoat up. After a long Urno. both sidos will roach tho same temporature.
Power the LEO module with two heat sources Connect the wires into tho LEO module plugs and into the thermoelectric system sockets. Ensure to respect the color codę. You will see that the LED starts to fłash immediately.
Expcrlmont 2:
ŁtSU 1 • but th,s ,,mo cooncct the ronowaMe onergy moo*x m wów to bo atto u
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°m TOUf<** ^ ,łw “"wpowfcng value ot powo' which ,s gcocrated. ^
Notę: The temperaturę difference fcetween the two water tanks will be narrowed with the time going. the electncity produced will also be reduced. The fan or LEO light will operate in a weak way graduatly untit it stops.
Experiment 3:
a. Do the same as in experiment 1 but connect the wires on the fan basis on the opposite sense ihan the one showed by the color codę. You will see the fan start to rotate on the oppos.te sense. It is due to the motor ability to run when it is crossed by a current. no matter which direction it ca me from. o. Disconnect the fan and connect the LED module to the ihermodectncal generator Ensure :o rcspcct the color codę. You will see tho LED light on then disconnect wires and plag them in tho other sense The LED will not light on becauso tho current generated by the PeJtier s module prr.U1 wix>ncnt ot the thermal generator) goos only in ono direction and LEO onty nitów tho current toposu the oinor non9o.
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