154028760578737336427711904145788726008 o

154028760578737336427711904145788726008 o

I    Conv«ru*nt

9.    To Iom

9 To bełiew

10.    lung

II    Hot U th*nk

13    jHcrwłte

14    neighOof

15    govern

V. Chari§othok)9ow4ng ieoteiHe> uitor#pt>iti*U sprrdi_

1.    I **• no^rof do trm agaw

2.    Tou muft vHH mewhen you afr in londc»r»

3.    I w*ih I hedn X bought those twful shoes 4 Tou. you aro nght S. 09. I «nll tełt them tomorrow ó ¥t»hy don t *e *orti in another lab?

7    No, I am not gomg to leave the room

8    Dor. t t*i* to that man He looks suspicious.

Charge the fcMlowing questions into the indirect ones, starting with she asked/.% anted to kno* etc

1. K th« the right way to the station ?

2- Who rs coming then?

Vv here were you yesterday at 9p. m. ?

4 H*ve you ever seen s*jch a strange result?


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