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b> prorlr ai rOMATl
7 Tbi* ihup iell< a wnlr ranga of tltwnetiK Gff&GBt' O* . . vuui»«
rO K The flo» of ho< air m a Hairdrwr tprcdt up the Cot EV APOKATl
f) 9 MPf nandt for medium ^<>*<*i*‘*r* ftbłcboani DF.NSŁ
£ 10 The tlab dtaor ma' N-' im l \^KAI»
V I ł Cofian cmaotsOf M-'Cial ^Wjf MtUkd togathar UM
l2.Both a rpfrijfrłlof and an air ... intidr to thi outsidr CONDITION
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V.v?Mrf..................... cool att by uantferrmti beat bom the
/I. Pul in fhr miMini; Morda. ( hooac from thr folii.wini; (um each of thcm onfy once):
/WUJUW, pin cen. e\erting. ihmrmwn, parallet, caetymg nul, infrartd. i-iWcrpi lina lewej*, mwrig
l.This robot movę$ quickly ovcr rough ground bccause it is fitied with ^
2. The ........................... sensors determine fhe size of the room
3. The program ma> instnjct the robot to tum 90 degrees when it collides wuth afn)
................................ ^ ^ ^mmk
4. The robot is capable of.......a senes of actions. CO/^.>J
5. The ........f>*<X.C&X?r..................._.....Controls the operauon of the robot.