1 (128)

1 (128)


12V *alimen+are Vcc2)

+12V (alimentare Vccl - izolata)

semnal audio

http: //www.niąro. 3x.ro/ orga/orga.htm

bec 4

bec 3

bec 2

bec 1


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1 (113) Grga de lumini http: //www.niąro. 3x.ro/ orga/orga.htm Partea de alimentare pentru 5V stabil
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1 (124) Grga de lumini http: //www.niąro. 3x.ro/ orga/orga.htm si schemele adiacente.. ...sursa de a
prostownik5 TR trafo toroid 220V/12V 10A 1N4148 I 1N4148 R6 1,5 Kom R7 470om R8 68om R9 5
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K 167a Samochodowa przetwornica 12V/220V/1OOVANowy Elektronik 167-KJak sama nazwa wskazuje prezentow
2009 11 302742 12 V dc - 220 V ac irwerter schematic Tags: 4047 • BD699 • converter 27 Resoonses to
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500w 220v inverter(corrected) *c 12V *c 12V PORTBOTH-R <Z> CoULecter is shorted to coULecter
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i2ctemp schematic Vcc Power: AC 8-12V or DC 7.5-16V U1 1 2 N 100uF 1 IN OUT W U GND l 78L05

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