SANS NewsBites: TOP OF THE NEWS - Morę Than 630,000 Laptopa Lott ot Airports Each Year (Jurtę 30, 2006)
A Ponemon Institute survey of 106 airports in 46 States found thst as mdny as 637,000 laptops are reported tost each year.
Overall, morę than 12,000 laptops are reported tost at the airports eveily week, and 67% are rtever recovered The survey also induded feedback from 864 business traveters
- 63% said their laptops held confidential data,
- 42% said their data was not backed up,
- 16% said they would do nothmg if they tost a laptop while travehng c4| business;
aid the chance of recovering a tost laptop was less than ten
CopyiąjK by K Udani