b) noncontimifty of the t&tik M ^\ś‘^utton
c) reiułt from retocatton of «\>« mass** to n***# ^v*d\ “> the rock mass
d) subsłdenc* caused by ,s* *v w* mathocfe
12. What klnd of non continuów* * kK SUi e^<$- deformation;
•?) landslłd** b)*inkboK«; » v* i**,ńv*i>*c *J. ^uWosiom d) rocksteps
13. The compact shapebf tt* bovi*orSó? ov5^\c o**
a)warehou$e /b^enad < *A»d*nbai Ou*»dmg d)pipeline
14. Flve parameters descrtfe* t*e .rr>**i% W Kat kind of the parameters have
influence on compact buikNng \
a) Inelinatton and subsidence ; Vvvfo*tvł* jod honzontal deformation
c) curvatur* and indination * ,v< *«***<* **d subsidence
15. Loadlng causad by continuo** should be used a$:
ęMłve loads
b) dead foads
mmłhfc vi0.voe<*;e accorękng to limit States principles ^ soroa* oaos d) accidental loads
16. What klnd of Interna i feroc b ,v< the hon^ontai ground deformation on
cpntimjous footing (the focttng fc o* *i* V* $?w«v ou-formafcon).
0 jhear force ' b) b*nd*ng ?*o%h**< -i? ttnwa jwoment d) normal force
17. What value of norm*] g&tee " b oójxV: -a rv to całculation are follows - e=6%o,
L®10m> bĄSm, t^lOOkP* a) 2«10kN b]
18. What the fotce i$ tmtsed h\ ndWM* V footing
a) force caused b\ Ntresses te t bast o* vj»cv»aced foondatk>o
b) force caused by >trevs*s on s*de of ^aięuiated Foundation
c) forte caused by stresses łn. t>* **=* ^ ęo**bto*oes footing adjusted to the calculated
sd* ot conttnuous footings adjacent to the
V^d)yTorce caused by >\>?i |w*<sdt* ^ calculated one
19. One element ot the ebntftwbtfc VvK?i»* s :***>*> hv loads J=9kN/m and H=7kN/m. The length (span) of the ****** b Whtft tjx> mawmaf bending moment appear in this
element if will use one petipeni&>4tof the wddie of fodbngrśpan?
a) M«=10kNm b>Xk^SV*XJ» 0^x>QkMm. 001=lOOkNm
20. Calculate ttte *$$**$*** *ofNt ^ o*\> what figurę is correct for following
condition.’ Categcwmof m*ni^*^**»*#fc*«* ^ buiłding devek>pment - III; the length of segment (belore s*0* a^on ^ -■-.'V oc the byiiding H=30tn; rigid construction of
d) s=50cm