Tlili culo ckpłunt b «i IuukIIiI «l lun lo mąko. Ulic IIk-s»> ufiKyuo rrrottom ii|> m porado f.tsłuon Ir* gtw ^uungitcts some countlng pradicc. Ot .vld Ihem to your bly-top dli()Uy to onlianco youi drem unit
Materials (per child)
grciy conslrucilon papet gray yarn smal. daik bulion crayons or matkors sebsers glue
elear ropę
I. fo mąko an ołophonfs body. sproad out your thumb as (ar os possibto (ihts witl bo lho 0’ephoors trunk). Trące your hond on gray paper; lhon cul oul the outtrio.
2 Giue on a bulion oyo
3 Cul oul o gray oval etepbcml cer. foki and gluo tlło oor on the e’ephanl.
4 łapę a yarri lal lo Ihe bock ol ino olophanl.
5 DrawcddiHonoidolalsontho etephanl os ckbłred.
l y<00 Mf»*iwnoi Aiiftco—City. MO
• As an oHerrxillve. havo lho C use gray jxSnt lo mąko o lxx prinl on whlte po{X)f lor Ihe et ephonl. Ihon havo hSm cul ou lho słsopo ond foOow Sleps 2-i docorotolt.
' U detótKl draw a docoratlve blonkol on lho otophant s bock,