

Home padem coniinued/rom preriom pa^e.




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at G in at >1 al I in at J al I in at K al I. in al K al M in al N Slitch the other pillars in a similar ssay.



Backstitch around ihe windowa.


Backstitch ihc out linę of the terrace inctuding the linę from U lo V.

C<«r«N:C MOJ t>nxv(M


Out al O in at P Out at Q in at R Out at S in at T Continoc this scąuence until the horirontal paru arc coroptetc. Backstitch the ootline of the step*.

I lou\c 2 Bali

Out at a in at b Out at c in at d Out at e in al f Backstitch the ootline of the hall.

Backstitch around roof scction Rl.

Backstitch the uprights on roof section R2. Backstitch around roof scction RJ.

Backstitch aroond roof scction R-l.

Make two vcnical stitchcs for the walts


Backstitch the bśrds using the illustration as a guide.

Thcse Korrn-A-Lines instructions art <cp)right O 2002 DI Design* and tray rwt be rrproduced without petmissśon. Publishcd b>' Card Inipiratior.s

Tcwia HiU Farm. Tcwśn. Ileits At.6 OLU


liridgc    Willow Paltem Kit

Thesc pattcm dctaiU shosild bc uscd in conjunction with the Form-A-Lines General Instruclion shcct.

"Out at ..." mcans bring the nccdlc front the back of the woik through to the front. "In at..." mcans lakę the ncedlc from tlte right sidc of the work through to the back. On many seetions of this dc*ign vome holes arc uscd ntorc than oncc.

TrccCsłupcd branchcs Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Continue lim sequcnce to Out at ? in at 8 Stitch the other C shaped branchcs in a similar way.

Trcc S shaped branch

Out at A in at B Out at C in at ()

Out at E in at F Thcn go to the other end of the branch Out G at inatll Out at I in at i Out at K in at I. Continue this scquencc to Out at L in at M Stitch the other S shaped branchcs in a similar way.

Coniinned >


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