Spy Circuits http://w\m.talkingelectromcs.com/prqects/Spy%20Circuits/SpyC ircui

into the base of the transistor via the 22n capacitor. This pulse is amplified by the transistor and the Circuit is kept active.

The frequency is determined by the 6 turn coil. By moving the turns together, the frequency will decrease. The Circuit transmits at 90MHz. It has a very poor rangę and consumes 16mA.


The components soldered to the 2 cells

Rear view of the simplest bug

After making a transmitter, you will want to know if it is transmitting. In the case above, the Circuit will only produce a carrier and this will be heard on the radio as a "quiot spot.”

Rather than chasing up and down the dial, Talking Electronics has produced a piece of test equipment to let you know the bug is transmitting and the approx frequency of transmission.


3 z I4

2008-11-17 20 12


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