


Bouquct    Fancy Flowers Kit

Thcsc paltem dctails should be used iu conjunclion with the Form-A-Lincs ( Jenerał Instruction shcct.

“Out at ...” means bring the ncctllc from the back of the work through to the front. “In at ..." means take the nccdle from the right side of the work through to the back. On many scclions of this design sonie holes arc uscd morc than once.

Gold thread on grecn card.


Shown on flowcr 1 Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at H in at F Continuc this scqucnce until the flowcr is complcte. Stitch the other flowcrs in a similar way using the finished diagram as a guide.

Wrappcr outline Stitcli the wrappcr outline using the diagram as a guide.


Shown on lcaf I.

Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at 2 Out at 4 in at 2 Out at 5 in at 2 Out at 6 in at 2 Conti nuc this scqucncc until the lcaf is complcte using the finished diagram as a guide. Working the stitches from side (o side hclps the thread lay flader at hole 2. Work the other Icavcs in a similar way.

Flowcr stems.

Work the stems in stem stitch using the diagram as a guide.

13 o w

Work the bow in stem stitch using the finished diagram as a guide.

Thcsc Fonn-A-Lines instructions are copyright €> 2006 I) .1 Designs and may not be rcproduced without permission.

Published by Card Inspirations Tcwin Hill Farm, Tewin, Herts AL6 OLL, UK. Tcl: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477


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