412576528ø02db6dc3 o

412576528ø02db6dc3 o


Instructions for the dress:

Git ine oi each panem mece trem mam lahric and oic of eacl Irom lining.

Ali seam allowances are 1/4-inch. mless olherwise mted.

1.    Allach cacb sidr nlihr bodico l<i lho liniuj along lho ornlrr frmil. Srw oiiIy fl'Oiil lin* upprr rdgir lo ilu: nololi. Ko not .srw brlwoon ilir nololi and dli1 waisllinr.

2.    I ndrrslilrh liii' sram allownneo lowards lin- linirig sidr, l/lb-inoli from lho sram. Again, do nol srw InMwoon ilu* nololi and Ilir waisdim*.

3.    Srw ilu* darÅ‚- lor (lir liusl.

4.    A tÅ‚ach ilir liodicc In lho lining along Ilu* tippcr rdgr and mulrrarm mmiii.

5.    I lipâ–  lho uiidrram) 'ram allowanro along Ilu* < nrvrs.

6.    linii and press.

7.    Srw tlu* darÅ‚' nu Ilu* ii|)|irr skirt and lin* nppor skirl lining.

8.    Press fron( darls lowaul- Ilir conlor front. Pross (lir bark dnrls tuwurd-1 lu* rrnlrr bark.

9.    S(*w (lir nppor skirl lo botli sidr* oftllo Inulirr (riglil and Irll) al (lir waislliuo scaru. Ko (lir samo lo (lu* lining. IÅ‚u* bodiro i' alt.nlnd lo Ilir ti|)|irr skirl and ihr bodirc lining is allarlird to (lir u|»{n*r skirl lining srp aralrly. Thi- is wh\ you lravr ilu* l/k-indi oprn hotwron ilu- nololi and ilir waisllinr in steps I and 2.

10.    Adach (lir drrss (â–  > ilu- lining along ilu* ronlor bark oponiiig (Irom lin* upprr rdgr lo ilir nolrli).

tl. 'liirn and prrss.

12.    Yon will now ailarli ilu* npprr skirl lo (lu* Iowrr -kirl by sanduioliing (lir upprr porlion lirlwcrn llio Iowrr -kirl and lining and *r\ving lin* sram.

13.    Adach 11io Iowrr skirl lo lin* lining along ibr limdiin*.

14.    Tum and prrss.

15.    I5v band. gallior ilir lonr plaros Ihal aro niarkrd on lin* pallom for


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