42a 2

42a 2

T“ o ** m--y\-L i k\ e s

Guitar    Musical liutrumeots Kit

The* ptfm (kun thouW be owi i* coojtfrKiton ««K thc Frnm-A-Llao General ImncttoiubNi

~Ouiat " imam brtng thc Acrdk froca thc hac W of H< **«k throagh to thc front ti»«i "roramUU ihc ncedk bom thc rtght Udr of thc»ork thrcufh«othcbart On nuB> «ctk>m of thn óeufp vnm bo*ct nt uwO moro (fc

Vibrafoann IUckvtkch Ok ubrało arm uanmg al V mm* thc diagram at a guide


Om at I in al 2 Om at ) m at 4 Out at 5 m al 6 Work Ihc mher knob in

Wod thc other four onngt in a umtbr my u ling thc diagram at a fiude

HcndOoih Om at A «n at li tUckititch from II »o C Ibcn Uirtmg at C: OmmC nu i>

Om at F in ai I OmidGnii l) Continuc ihn to om at II in mi I Ihen oU at A in al





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Macha* Ik*1« OmmJinaiH OutaKnill Omm Minall. OmuKnam OmmMinmB Work thc other fn« iTiachmc headt m a t umiar ity

Frctwirm OmmNnaiO OuiaPnag Conti nur thii »cqucncc donn thc ncck lo cmi al Rit, MS


om ai T mai U ornat V inaili Om ai V in ai W omal 1 mai W

a tirmlar *iy,

Scrauhpbłc Out at S tn al a Omatbnaic Outatainatd C onliauc Ihit tcquc«Kc around thc vcrakhpla*c to Ihc briigr. crkbng with om at c in al f Stan thc voqoctu.c apain iłic other ihJc of thebndge oan«| with om at g in al h. Contim* to om al • m


Om ai k m ai I Out al m in at n 04 at o in al p C ontim* thu «cqucncc around Ihc body lo om al ^ in al r


Om alg on thc be id**    -

mai len ihc    Ihnc lorm-Aliact lauructiocn arr

beaduock Omal ton thc hcadłiock in at I oo thc bctdgc

copynihl C 200t DI Urugn* and mmy m* be rcfroduccd mdcui pcnuiiM Pablnhed b> Card Itnpr mion Twa HtO lana. I tam. Ikvt% ALACH I. t*K Tet 014 U 71X00 f AX 0I4.H ^|74T7


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