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fcw:e morę and from * to * * ~ext sp, sl st to 3rd of 5ch. Slirto next ch, 5ch (count as
V s* into next sp, *2ch, skip fratj sp. (3ch, 1sc into next sp] riqp 2ch* *. work IV st, 2ch, r. ^ep from * twice morę and aga 3 2dc into next sp. sl st
at ir:o each of next 2ch, 5ch arc 2ch), skip 3dc, *V st into *śę 2ch, 1sc into next 3ch irto next sp] 7 times, 2ch, ino next sp. 2ch; rep from wnz 1rom * to * * again, work 3 ino next sp. sl st to 3rd of
3*«nfo next ch, 5ch (count as nto next sp, *V st into skę 2ch, 1sc into next 3ch ric next 3ch arch] 6 times,
V r into next sp* \ V st into *wice morę and from *
•rro next sp, sl st to 3rd of
S a ho next ch, 5ch (count V s: into next sp, *2ch, V skip 2ch, 1sc into next sc nto next 3ch arch] 5 n, . st into next sp, 2ch * *, oz] nto next sp; rep from ^om * to * * again, 2dc sr *x> 3rd of 5ch. "
girto each of next 2ch, 5ch 2:h: skip3dc, *[V st into 2ch] twice, 1sc into next "s: mto next 3ch arch] 4 2cłn. V st into next sp] rom * twice morę and cm -ing 1 dc at end of last 0 sr :o 3rd of 5ch.
k; ł + 1 k l, r r ł-
12th round: Sl st into next ch, 5ch (count as 1 dc and 2ch), 3dc into next sp, * [V st into next sp, 2ch, skip 2ch] twice, 1sc into next 3ch arch, (3ch, 1sc into next 3ch arch] 3 times, [2ch, skip 2ch, V st into next sp] twice* *, V st into next sp; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, 2dc into next sp, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.
13th round: Sl st into next ch, 5ch (count as 1dc and 2ch), V st into next sp, *2ch, [V st into next sp, 2ch, skip 2ch] twice, 1sc into next 3ch arch, (3ch, 1 sc into next 3ch arch] twice, (2ch, skip 2ch, V st into next sp] twice, 2ch*\ work (V st, 2ch, 3dc] into next sp; rep from * twice morę and from * to ** again, 2dc into next sp, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.
14th round: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 5ch (count as 1dc and 2ch), skip 3dc, *[V st into next sp, 2ch, skip 2ch] 3 times, 1sc into next 3ch arch, 3ch, 1sc into next 3ch arch, [2ch, skip 2ch, V st into next sp] 3 times* *, 2ch; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again omitting 1dc at end of last rep and ending sl st to 3rd of 5ch.
15th round: Sl st into next ch, 5ch (count as 1 dc and 2ch), 3dc into next sp, * (V st into next sp, 2ch, skip 2ch] twice, V st into next sp, 3ch, skip 2ch, 1sc into next 3ch arch, 3ch, skip 2ch, V st into next sp, [2ch, skip 2ch, V st into next sp] twice* *, V st into next sp; rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, 2dc into next sp, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.
16th round: Sl st into next ch, 5ch (count as 1dc and 2ch), V st into next sp, *2ch, (V st into next sp, 2ch, skip 2ch] twice, V st into next sp, 2ch, skip 3ch, 1sc and 3ch, [V st into next 2ch sp, 2ch, skip 2ch] twice, V st into next sp, 2ch*\ work [V st, 2ch, 3dc] into next sp, rep from * twice morę and from * to * * again, 2dc into next sp, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.
17th round: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 5ch (count as 1dc and 2ch), skip 3dc. *V st mto next sp, [2ch, skip 2ch, V st into next sp] 3 times, V st into next sp, [2ch, skip 2ch, V s: into next sp] 3 times* *, 2ch; rep from * twce morę and from * to ** again omittmg 1dc at end of last rep and ending sl st to 3rd o' 5ch. Fasten otf.
Leaf (make 3 alike)
Base Chain: 17ch.
1st row (right side): Skip 2ch (count as 1sc), 1 sc into each ch to last ch, work 3sc into last ch for point, then work back along under-side of base Chain with 1sc into each ch to end, turn.
2nd row: 1ch (counts as 1sc), skip 1 st, 1sc into each st up to st at center of point, work 3sc into center st, 1sc into each st to last 3 sts and tch, turn.
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th rows: As 2nd
Fasten off.
Make 22ch (or as required), sl st to center Leaf (2nd) as diagram, work back along base Chain in sc and at same time join in side Leaves (1 st and 3rd) at, say, 6th and 7th sts as follows; ‘insert hook through 1 st Leaf and base Chain, make 1sc, sl st to 3rd Leaf to match; rep from * once morę. Continue to end of base Chain in sc.
Fasten off.
4 + + 0 7
4 4 + 4-
4 + +4-T + +05 44 4+44+4 4+44 +
4 4 4 4 4 4—(- 4" + 4- 4-
4 .f 4. 4. 4. -+ 4 4 4 + 4- 4- 4 + 01
4+ + + 4-4-4-4-4+ + 4 44 + 02 4 4 -ł-4 4 + 444 + 4 +
4r4 + 44 + + 44 + t 4 -4-4 + 4 + 4-4 4 •4+4 + 44+06
Fasten off i 3rd !