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Tcddy Bear    Tiny Tots Kil

Thesc paltem dciails bc uscd in conjunction with lite Fcnn-A-Lines General 'r.structicm s'ncci.

"Ou! »t. “ mtł/ił bfing the r.toJk frem the b* '► of the w-mIł ihro-th I® -001--|n oku* uk< ftt necJk ftem 3>e rijhi »-k ofChe weeit throjjh l» b«l:



Barksiitch the outiine nfthcbear.

Kari and Paws Out a: A in ai I Out at A in al 2 Continue unlil eompleted.


Out at A in a: H Out al C in at D Out al F. in al F


Cul al 1 ir. al 2 Oj! at 1 in at 3 Out al l in al 4 Out ai l in al 5 Out at in al 6 Then W. at 7 in at 5 Out at S in al Backstiich the snnut of dic bcar'j notę.


Out ai A in at I Out at A in at 2 Out at A in at 1 Out at A in at 2 Cooiir.iK uitti! complctcd.


OmI at 1 in at 2 Oill at 3 in at -S Oat at 5 in at 6 Oat at 7 in al 8 Continue wilii coinplctcd.

Notę - as the threads pass across ti>: front thcrc arc nlways fo-.tr holes bctwcen włicrc the necdlc comes out and goes in - also the Unieś arc usctl lwice.

Ribbon Bow Altach i!k ribhon bow in ilcsircd colour wita a smali spot of gluc.

licie Fcrw-A-t.oes iaitmctkM ue copjiijhl C I-m C»rd tMf.irnk.ai u,i nvi>' MK be refeadx<J nuioot pererniko pŁbłabcdbyCanl Irsplulior.i V*«ua ilii: Karm. Teuin. Itc.-ti At.6 KJ, UK. Te'. 014)* ?IJO*>KAX: 0I4)J 71747?


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