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Life’s Little Instructions

(Given by a 95- year-old friend named William Snęli, 1993.)

Sing in the shower.

Treot everyone you meet like you want to be treoted. wotch o sunrise ot teast once o year.

Never refuse homemode brownies.

Strive tor exceiience. not perfectton.

Plont o tree on your birthdoy.

Leom three cieon jokes.

Return borrowed vehic!es with the gos tonk fuli.

Never woste on opportunily to tell somcone you love them.

Leove everything o little better thon you found it.

Keep it simple.

Think big thoughts but reiish smoli pleosures.

Become the most posi!ive and enthusiostic person you know.

Be forg«ving on yourseW ond others.

Soy "thankyou" o lot.

Soy "pleose" o lot.

Avoid negotive peopte. weor polished shoes.

Remember other peopie's birthdays.

Commit yoursetf to constant improvement.

Hove a firm hondshake.

Send tots ot voientine cords. sign them.

Look peopie in the eye.

Be the first to soy "heKo."

Return c« things you borrow.

Make new friends but cherish the old ones.

Keep secrets.

Plont flowers every spring.

Hove o dog.

Ałways accept on outstretched hond. stop bioming others.

Toke responsiWity for every oreo of your life.

Wove af kids on schcoJ buses.

Be there when peopie need you.

Don't expect life to be foir.

Never underestimote the pov/er of tove.

Drink champagne for no reason at all. live your life as on exctamation. not on expSonation.

Don't be afroid to soy. "I madę o mistoke.”

Don‘t be afroid to soy. "I don’t know."

Compliment even smali improvements.

Keep your promises no motter what.

Mony onty for love.

Rekindle old friendships.

Count your biessings.

Coli your mother


And your dod too. if they hoppen to be alive.


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